Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Clouds and the Barn from Dan Miles on Vimeo.

This video was shot at home.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Red water berries

This image was taken while on a walk in the words Green Bottom Nature Preserve in WV. The water droplets here just waited long enough for me to get this shot. I used a High Exposure about a F2.8 so to blur the background. Shutter speed was around 100 and ISO was set at 50 Added a darkened vignette around the edge in Adobe Lightroom 4.
Here is the same shot but in Lightroom I brought down the clarity so to make the red beads come alive.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Took this shot right after a summer thunderstorm in the Adirondacks, NY. Was shooting the light rays through the trees when two bike riders road past me. I could not pass this opportunity up I started snapping image after image to try to get the bikers in the shot. I love the color of the light rays here and the green leaf in the top left

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I took this shot while fishing one evening with my wife in the Adirondack Mountains NY. The sun hit the cloud just at the right moment and I started shooting. I like how the dark clouds on the right of the image come into play and show the upcoming storm.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

This shot was shot while a photo workshop near Brevard, NC. Thanks To Dave Allen for showing me some great spots.